Happy Valentine Day

Happy Valentine’s Day, better known as Feast of Saint Valentine, it is not a holiday, but this year it falls on a Saturday and that’s today.  Someone gives a spouse a big feast, and the next day work out to the gym or work out, if you get my drift. Wink, wink.

The ironic part of Valentine ’s Day, it follows Friday the thirteen. First, you have bad luck and the next day good luck.

The good luck is when you receive a four-foot big fluffy teddy bear, candy and flowers. The bad luck, it is not from your significant other, it was from your stalker friend that you met when shopping for the gifts.

The good luck is that your significant other is pregnant. The bad luck was, it was one hot summer fling you had in June after graduating from High School with the Valedictorian. He’s not the father.

The Good luck part you went to see 50 shades of Grey with the girl you like, the bad luck is when the lights came on she was making out with another person.

Happy Valentine’s Day