As you may know, the top 12 was revealed the night before, and if you are a fan of the show, you will know who will win American Idol 2021.

As you may know that Paula Abdul is back – temporary. She is sitting in for Luke Bryan because he was tested positive for COVID-19. So, the executive’s producers did some calling around and picked Paula Abdul. She is one of the original judges of the show. Randy Jackson stops by facetiming in the middle of the show. Simon? Where’s Simon?  Well, Paula called him “STD,” meaning “Super-Talented …Debonair,” not in a sexual way. But Simon Cowell is busy judging other shows like Britain’s Got Talent, America’s Got Talent, and the X -factor UK version. So, he is a busy guy, and he will be back as a judge on America’s Got Talent in the summer of 2021.

American Idol Contestant Drops Out

After introducing the judges, Wyatt Pike, who was in the top 12, eventually had to drop out due to personal reasons. He was good. I hope he is okay. He probably got a better deal from somewhere else.

Casey Bishop sings on American Idol

Recap & highlights

Casey Bishop, her voice is magnificent when she sang “House of the Rising Sun.”  She is phenomenal. Luke Bryan was right. If she keeps this up by singing. Picking good songs, sing on pitch every time, and captivated the audience every time her performance. She could win this.

All we must do is vote her through. If we do not vote, she will not go through, and eventually, the American people think she could do better. By voting, she will stay.

Ava August sing on American idol

Ava August love her performance on Queen’s “Love of My Life.” Remarkable performance. She has the voice of an angel. She showed everyone that she is a top contender. Vote for her and make her happy.

Alanis Sophia, I love her performance, and she looked sensually, her hair and her outfit.  She sang Demi Lovato’s “Heart Attack,” and it was good. I like her last performance the other night; that was magnificent. See what happens when your favorite does not go through. I hope she succeeds in the music industry.

Madison Watkins sang Drake’s “Hotline Bling” with the bling, she glitters on stage, and she did. Bling, glitter, and she sparkle on stage. She turned the song into a sultry lounge hit. Her performance was good, and she was almost sent home but saved by judges.

Beane sang Ben Platt’s “Grow As We Go,” he did well. It was beautiful, emotional, and authentic. He was also sent home, but the beanie baby is back. He is staying for another week.

Willie “Pavarotti” Spence, wow his voice. He took Rihanna’s “Diamonds” and made it an operatic pop hit. I wonder if Pavarotti could take a pop song and make it an operatic performance too. He was fantastic. He was saved.  He sang his audition song, and now he is singing this song with the band. Awesome performance.

The top eleven went through Casey Bishop, Deshawn Goncalves, Cassandra Coleman, Caleb Kennedy, Ava August, Chayce Beckham, Alyssa Wray, Willie Spence, Grace Kinstler, and Hunter Metts.

With not enough votes and eventually going home and venture into stardom are Colin Jamieson, Alanis Sophia, and Graham DeFranco. They were good. People need to vote to keep their idol in the running, for they could win American Idol

So, if you are a fan of the show. Make your favorite stay to win.

ABC voting click here