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When The Laughter Dies

When Robin Williams died, we all fall into depression, sadness came, but when we hear the voice of Robin Williams in one of his movies. We laugh, smile and cry. He’s mesmerized to watch. We all great fans of his work, he knows how to make us laugh which is good, he knows how to get us out of depression, which is good too. But the depression got him and it was too late, we could not make him laugh, smile and cry. He’s probably up there in heaven with Johnathan Winters(his good buddy) and making God laugh. He will be deeply missed from this earth.

Depression is the number killer among teen and adults, especially among children and teens. Be with friends that you know, your peers. Don’t ridicule and tease your friends. We all have sensitive needs.

Best way to prevent suicide and depression to children, teens and adults is to talk it out, and it’s free. We don’t need a psychologist or psychiatrist to talk. Find someone who can trust. And use the right words and tone of our voice. Then explain it what is going on. Then later, watch a Robin Williams movie.

Parents play a big role to upbringing for their children, and how the world works around them, school will be opening soon and they will make new friends. And I hope these new friends they make are smart enough to help their friends to survive in this world. It is always nice to ask, without asking someone will get hurt. We don’t like to hurt people if we hurt people that something will happen to you. Just say, “no” in a good way and leave.


More people die from suicide than from automobile accidents. It was the tenth cause of death in the United States in 2011. Many who are at risk for attempting suicide never receive the treatment they need because of stigma, lack of access to care, or lack of knowledge about their symptoms. Almost everyone who attempts or commits suicide has symptoms that mental health treatment could alleviate. So take in for precaution. Don’t make your children upset or mad, they will take it the wrong way. Children are very emotional. Listen and talk to your children. And move any sharp objects in their room.

Teenagers are emotional sensitive, especially relationships. They have to understand in each other and the worst case, bullies and cyberbullies, we have them in our school and business. They can drive people crazy.

In completion, my mom had depression several years ago she had doubts about herself. For me, her son and husband (my dad) had helped her to get her out of depression. My mom has two loving people to care of her. She’s in her eighties. She laughs at me whenever I do or say funny things to her. It brings a smile to her face that’s what I need from her. A smile from her and we eat good Mediterranean meals.


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